
伴随着Solar Deployment Soluton on WindowsXP, 2000 and 2003-0.1的发布,solar-system-win-1.1.1也迎来了她的第三个版本,在此版本中解决了多个bug,以及解决了在windows xp平台的使用问题(至少是布署问题),所以这也是solar-win的一个里程碑版本。

solar在XP平台上是采用复制文件的方式来同步文件的,复制文件是存在风险的,为什么这么说呢?因为现在的做法是先删除已存在的文件然后再复制过去,如果删除完毕但是复制出问题的话,文件会丢失。所以还需要探索更好的方法。 下址地址:



2010-07-14 ================== @ /script/solar

line 16

add a property $this->_script to indicate which script is current one

line 58

get current script name

line 76

prepare directory - windows-style dir with separator before

line 87

add two elements into array $dirs

@ /script/solar.bat

line 18

get current script name

line 28

change param of PHP_COMMAND

@ /source/solar/Solar/Cli/LinkVendor.php

line 122

romove links for script/vendor

2010-07-15 ================== @ /index.php

line 19

fix include path, if solar can not find "/include/Solar" dir and "/include/Solar.php" file, it will include "/source/solar" dir automatically as its core library. Warning: This is just for the first-time can browse "hello,world" sample without any config or command. You still need link solar vendor after that.

@ /docroot/index.php

line 8

fix include path, if solar can not find "/include/Solar" dir and "/include/Solar.php" file, it will include "/source/solar" dir automatically as its core library. Warning: This is just for the first-time can browse "hello,world" sample without any config or command. You still need link solar vendor after that.

2010-07-18 ===========

@ /source/solar/Solar/Cli/SyncVendor.php and /source/solar/Solar/Cli/SyncVendor

add file and directories

add this file and directory to add new command "sync-vendor"

@ /source/solar/Solar/Symlink.php

line 84

this change is to determine, if you use make-app or make-model, and if already exists app or model ,it will override the exist app or model

fixed: remove the if-condition, remove directories in syncvendor step

line 101

add a condition to determine which nt version is. according to that, use different method to process files and directories

line 231

add a new method here to copy/overwrite files on windows xp, 2000 and 2003

line 247

add a new method here to copy/override directories on windows xp, 2000 and 2003

@ /source/solar/Solar/Cli/UnlinkVendor.php

line 91

add a condition to determine which nt version is. according to that, use sync-vendor command sync files and directories between /include/Vendor and /source/script/Vendor

line 103

unlink directoies that not empty, you can not use unlink function. on windows xp, 2000 and 2003, we must use rmdir command to remove directories that not empty.


